The effect of a strategy based on the principle of refutation by Karl Popper on the achievement of Arabic grammar and the development of critical thinking among students in the fifth grade of applied sciences


  • Dr. Reda Hassan Hashem Al-Gharabi General Directorate of Education, Baghdad, Al-Rusafa I Author



Keywords: strategy - Karl Popper's principle of refutation - Arabic grammar - critical thinking


The current research aims to identify the effect of using a strategy based on Karl Popper’s principle of refutation on the acquisition of Arabic grammar and the development of critical thinking among fifth grade applied students. To achieve the research goal, the researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control, known as the two-group design with two pre- and post-tests.

    After the researcher identified his research population, he chose his sample of (64) students, including (32) students in the experimental group and (32) students in the control group. Before commencing the experiment, the researcher rewarded the students of the two groups with a number of variables that were likely to have an impact. Undesirable on the results of the research, and then studied the two research groups throughout the duration of the experiment, which lasted a full semester.

        For the purpose of achieving the research objectives, the researcher prepared two tools, the first: a test to measure students’ achievement in Arabic grammar, the validity of which was confirmed, and the second: a critical thinking test, the validity of which was also confirmed. After that, both tools were applied to the research sample, and after analyzing the data obtained from them statistically using appropriate statistical methods, the researcher concluded that the students of the experimental group, whose students studied grammar using the strategy based on Karl Popper’s principle of refutation, excelled over the students of the control group, whose students studied the same subject. According to the usual method in the achievement post-test and in the critical thinking post-test. Based on the results of the research, the researcher recommended the necessity of adopting a strategy based on the principle of refutation in teaching grammar, and then proposed a set of proposals


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How to Cite

The effect of a strategy based on the principle of refutation by Karl Popper on the achievement of Arabic grammar and the development of critical thinking among students in the fifth grade of applied sciences. (2023). Journal of Imam Al-Kadhim College, 7(4), 380-408.