The Syrian Newspaper "Al-Ayyam" and its Role in Forming The Public Opinion About The 14th of July, 1958 Revolution  in Iraq


  • Asist.Prof.Dr. Laith Neama Musa كلية الامام الكاظم (ع)/ قسم الاعلام Author



(Al-Ayyam newspaper, Arab nationalism, United Arab Republic, Abd al-Karim Qasim, Communists)



This research deals with  analyzing the role of the Syrian newspaper "Al-Ayyam in forming the Iraqi and Arab public opinion about the 14th of July Revolution, 1958 in Iraq.  

This  event,in fact, is  considered  a historical turning point in the course of the Iraqi politics which led by  the leader Abdul Karim Qasim and resulting in  the overthrow of the monarchy .

The study highlights the way the political orientations of Al-Ayyam newspaper influenced the formation of Iraqi public opinion towards the revolution, and reveals how this newspaper enhances  the positions of Arab nationalists and support the United Arab Republic

The research depends on an  accurate analysis of the content of the articles and the news

reports published by Al-Ayyam. These analyzes show how the newspaper tended to exaggerate events related to the nationalists, while ignoring or undermining the political achievements of the leader Abdul Karim Qasim. In Addition, it addresses the historical and social contexts that led to this bias, reflecting the ideological conflict between nationalists and communists at that time.

Moreover, This  research is based on a variety of references, of which the newspaper’s editorial articles form its backbone, in addition to academic analyzes and historical sources to show how Al-Ayyam contributed to forming popular perceptions of the revolution and the new rule in Iraq. It also demonstrates the impact of this media coverage on Iraqi and Arab society, as it led to creating a state of division and anxiety among the

The research also sheds light on the broader dimensions of the media's role in politics, showing how media can be a means of directing

public discourse and shaping national identities, especially in tense contexts. This stydy  enhances comprehensive understanding of the role played by the press in political crises, calling for a re-evaluation of the media's continuing influences on policies and social trends.

The conclusion presents that Al-Ayyam newspaper’s coverage of the events was not just a narration of the events, but rather an expression of the ideological conflict rooted in that period which contributed to building a national identity in Iraq, and had long-term political and social consequences that go beyond the borders of that historical era.




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How to Cite

The Syrian Newspaper "Al-Ayyam" and its Role in Forming The Public Opinion About The 14th of July, 1958 Revolution  in Iraq. (2024). Journal of Imam Al-Kadhim College, 8(4), 112-138.