The role of public relations communication activities in building the organization’s digital image.


  • Salam Zugher Sajat Imam Al-Kadhim College(AS)/Waist Author



Public relations, digital image, communication activities


Public relations is one of the practices that receives great and distinct attention from governments and countries, as well as companies and institutions. It is considered one of the vital functions because it plays an important role in facilitating the communication process and achieving mutual understanding, as well as consolidating the relationship between the two parties, the state and the public. Public relations has an influential and major role in institutions. In our contemporary world, which has become a world of institutions, companies have made it necessary to need modern communication and media devices that translate (their activities, projects, ideas, and services) into action. The researcher in this study relied on the descriptive approach in revealing the role of public relations in creating the mental image of the institution .As for the research tools, reliance was placed on the questionnaire tool prepared by the researcher specifically for this study. This study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The results of the study indicated that a large percentage of the respondents confirm that there is an impact of the communication functions of public relations in creating a distinctive mental image of the institution. These results also indicated that the respondents confirmed that the media used by public relations affects the creation of a good mental image for the institution .This study concluded with the most important recommendations that the researcher reached. The researcher recommends the necessity of providing public relations departments in government institutions with specialists in media and public relations, as they are more capable of understanding public relations activity and practicing it well. The researcher also recommends giving scientific research, planning, communication, and evaluation great importance as the scientific basis on .which Public relations activities depend on it to achieve goals


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How to Cite

The role of public relations communication activities in building the organization’s digital image. (2024). Journal of Imam Al-Kadhim College, 8(4), 208-231.