The ruling on the fish that dies in the water


  • Ph.D: Jaafar Sadiq Ayoub Algerian college of Imam Al-kadhum (Peace be upon him) Author



Fish, fishes Halal, Tathkia, death of fish in the water, Elish or Shad fish.



Fish is one of the main nutrition sources for humans, and this subject got a big importance since ancient times and a valuable space especially for legislators considering; classifying the legitimately halal species, as well the fishing rules to make it Halal (Muthaka), which called in Islamic tradition jurisprudence fish’s bleding (Tathkia), many long researches occurred, and quite a few discussions, where our righteous scientists tackled this topic carefully and accurately, and simplified it while its deep and lasting.

And this research will emphasize the latter topic (Tathkia), in the legitimate side, drowning in the semantic side, without discussing the other sides; like tale men’s science neither weakening nor confirming, or the concept of this topic and its reality and the scientists differ, but as we said it will be limited by the semantic side of the tale regarding the Tathkia way (the way of making fishes Halal), detecting the point which tales enunciate to achieve the Tathkia, and the impact of fish’s underwater death on this. Delaying bond research and other connected researches to another broader time, so we will cover the most disagreement about fish’s Tathkia, which it is fish’s death underwater.

 This study will tackle a dissection for the topic and the disputation in it, then a declaration of the opinions and quotes in fish’s Tathkia and if what dies underwater is halal or not. Then discussing the guides of those quotes to see how identical it is to what its believer thinks.

Then we will mention our opinion and understanding of the tales, and what is the achievement in this matter, offered with the results we achieved and the consequences of understanding the indications.



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How to Cite

The ruling on the fish that dies in the water. (2023). Journal of Imam Al-Kadhim College, 7(3), 107-124.